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Golden Boy

A still rendering of a sculpture concept in-situ.

Coral Sim

An animation created during the development of our coral growth simulations.

Man on Fire

Fire coral simulation on the surface of Jason's "Man on Fire" sculpture.

Man on Fire

A close-up of simulated fire coral growth on the surface of one of Jason's 3D scanned sculptures.


A seamlessly looping coral growth cycle on the surface of the XPRIZE logo.


A selection of renderings and animations from various projects undertaken with Studio 43 for Jason deCaires Taylor.


The visuals explore Jason's work through a digital lens; bringing the important topic of ocean conservation into the virtual world. We worked alongside Jason to create original 3D models for his Ocean Sentinels project. These were digitally sculpted in Zbrush and then processed before being milled from PU foam and cast in concrete. The sculptures are now in an underwater museum near The Great Barrier Reef.


We were also provided scanned assets to use as a basis for several coral growth simulations.

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Ocean Sentinels

The entire collection of digitally sculpted designs for Jason's "Ocean Sentinels"

Ocean Sentinel Animation

A close-up turntable animation of one Ocean Sentinel.

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